9 Best Network Marketing Books 2023 [Must Read]

Best Network Marketing Books to Read – Top MLM Book PDF Download Free

Network Marketing is promoted as a quick rich scheme but it is one of the hardest professions in the world, MLM success rate is low at 0.4%. Hence it required immense talent, hard work and discipline to get success in direct selling.

We all have our own race and seek success as soon as possible. Learning is the most important factor in everyone’s journey. We can learn from everywhere and everybody, it just required passion to make dreams possible.

In network marketing as well, we need to learn several skills to get succeed. And there are great books by different authors that can change a life forever.

So let’s check out, Best Network Marketing Books and authors you need to follow to get success in direct selling.


Best Network Marketing Books

Books are one of the best methods to learn things. We can live several life via reading books. The quantity of books read doesn’t matter, rather the number of books that remains in our mind, it is important.

This list of Best Network Marketing Books is based on my personal views and books I recommend to everyone who is linked to network marketing in other ways.

Below MLM book list consists of some books that are the best selling whereas some are highly informative, but not got so popularized.

best books for network marketing

Not limited to your network marketing career, these books can help you for your whole life. So let’s get started without any further ado.

1. The Case (for and) against Multi-level Marketing

The Case (for and) against Multi-level Marketing” book is written by Jon M. Taylor who is an American businessman. This book includes his 15 years of long research on 350 network marketing companies (including Amway and Herbalife) and he shows the dark side of this industry.


After reading this book you may get negative regarding network marketing. But to know actual reality, one must read this book. Jon’s research is promoted by the American government’s agency FTC (Federal Trade Commission).

It proves network marketing’s success rate is just 0.4% which is even lower than winning gambling. It is only available in PDF form, you can download it free via clicking the below button.

2. Your First Year in Network Marketing

Your First Year in Network Marketing is the most loved book on network marketing authored by Mark Yarnell and Rene Reid Yarnell. The author claimed this book is the Bible of Network Marketing.


This book is specifically for the people who are in the first year of their network marketing career.

Consisting of 300 pages, this book introduces the harsh time faced by everyone during the beginning of their network marketing career. It teaches, how to deal with negativity, people recruitment, and training processes, manage downline, and stay motivated.

3. The Business of 21st Century

One of the best-selling authors, Robert T. Kiyosaki wrote the book “The Business of 21st Century” with john fleming and Kim Kiyosaki.

This book shows the benefits of network marketing including money-making to learning various skills and explains why network marketing is the most promising opportunity in the 21st century. In brief, Robert also explains about “4 quadrants of cash-flow” in the context of network marketing.

4. Questions are the Answers

Another amazing book with the amazing title Questions are the Answers is written by Allan Pease. Allan Pease is known as a body language expert and in this book, he gives practical steps to get success in network marketing.

Allan Pease also explained understanding body language. He has given practical tricks and tips to apply and convert ‘no’ to ‘yes’.


5. Think and Grow Rich

Best selling book in the finance category “Think and Grow Rich” is written by Napoleon Hill. This book got published in 1937 and now more than 70 million copies of it have been sold.


In this book, the author explains the most vital business lessons with some real examples. Each chapter is about quality and the whole book revolves around the importance and development of these qualities.

6. Copycat Marketing 101

Copycat Marketing 101 is written by Burke Hedges who explains the importance of franchising and network marketing.

This book is biased for those people who are in network marketing. Burke Hedges also shows how compounding and being a copycat is important to get success and build wealth.

7. Be a Network Marketing Millionaire

Be a Network Marketing Millionaire is written by Deepak Bajaj who is an MLM leader and Motivational Speaker. In this book, Deepak Bajaj shares information, skills, and techniques to grow a network marketing business.

Deepak Bajaj is the top leader in the Indian MLM company Mi Lifestyle and you can find his personal network marketing experience in this book.

8. Network Marketing – What is it? Why is it Criticised? Why it should be done?

Sumeet Chauhan wrote this book who is an MLM Educator. Sumeet Chauhan is one of the rare leaders, who actually teach the right things about direct selling business and that is the main reason to put his book on this list.

In this book, Sumeet Chauhan shares his personal network marketing experiences and shows why it is important, its benefits, and many more things.

9. Direct Selling On Social Media

The last book on the list is written by me Direct Selling on Social Media.

This is an eBook in which I have explained the importance of social media for direct selling and provided a complete guide to successfully build a direct selling business using social media.

I have shared my 6 years of direct selling and social media experience in it.

Currently, this eBook is only available in the Hindi language.

Launch sale is active on this Book. You can grab it for just 99 rupees by clicking the below button.

Building an online direct selling business is possible and you can easily get the most suitable and active downline by using social media. Over 3.8 billion people use social media and network marking is the business of people, you just need to use social media in the right way.

You can learn A to Z about using social media for direct selling from this book. It teaches the practical approach, which you can apply and grow your business. Following are some highlighted points from this eBook.

  • Choosing best social media platform
  • Perfect way to setup profile
  • Attracting people on social media
  • Easy way to find active downline
  • Effective way of online product and plan promotion
  • Doing online follow up
  • Converting ‘No’ to ‘Yes’


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