Advisory Direct Selling Guidelines launched by the central government in the year 2016 helped the direct selling industry to grow in a positive direction. The most significant effect of guidelines was on fraud MLM Companies which was using dummy products and doing money circulation.
Subsequently, the government is regularly updating the list of legal direct selling companies and people are requested to join only those companies which are on the list. But still, there are few companies with huge names in the industry which are doing deceptive business practices.
Apart from central direct selling guidelines, every state has its own Direct Selling Guidelines which companies and direct sellers have to follow to do business in state territory. This post is about Maharashtra State Direct Selling Guidelines.
Maharashtra State Direct Selling Guidelines
In the year 2019, state-wise Maharashtra has the highest number of sales in the direct selling industry.
Direct Selling Guidelines which we often called MLM Guidelines are reshaped and launched by the Maharashtra government on 11, July 2019.
Maharashtra state direct selling guidelines are much similar to the central government’s guidelines. But the measure difference was of banning few products/services for direct selling.
Below is a screenshot from Maharashtra Direct Selling Guidelines and you can see that most of the online services & product packages were ban which was previously used as dummy-products by various fraud MLM Companies.
Download Maharashtra Direct Selling Guidelines PDF
You can download Maharashtra State Direct Selling Guidelines PDF by clicking the below download button.
This PDF is bought to you from which is the official consumer protection site of Maharashtra state.
To help you to choose the best MLM Company of India, please read a below-linked post which will help you to know about the best MLM Company of India.
I hope this post “Maharashtra State Direct Selling (MLM) Guidelines PDF Download” is helpful for you.
If you have any queries or suggestions feel free to comment below.